This is one of Hong Kong’s longest-running drama series, monopolising television airtime from mid-1995 to the end of 1999, with a total of 1,128 episodes. Photo: encoreTVB 4 A Kindred Spirit《真情》(1995)Ī saga of staggering proportions that is quintessentially Hong Kong, there’s probably not a single local who hasn’t heard of A Kindred Spirit. This is widely known as the Ting Hai effect (also the Adam Cheng effect), and is a theory popular among stockbrokers to this day, so much so that the French bank Crédit Lyonnais even wrote a report about it!
The Greed of Man is also noted for its peculiar effect on the global stock market whenever a film or television series starring Adam Cheng is released, there seems to be a sudden drop in the stock market. The scene where- spoiler alert-the entire Ting fortune is lost and Ting Hai forces his sons to jump off the top of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange building sent shockwaves throughout the viewerships, and is still remembered to this day. On some level, the entire Ting family is unethical and ruthless, and they are opposed by the Fongs, led by Fong Chun-sun (played by Damian Lau), a premiere stockbroker attempting to rid the stock market of corruption. The Ting family became rich through speculation during the Black Monday stock market crisis in 1987 and also became involved with laundering money for drug lords. Ting Hai (played by Adam Cheng) is a man who made his fortune through the catering and entertainment industries at first, then stock and property speculation. The story spans three decades from the 1970s to the 1990s in both Hong Kong and Taiwan, and addresses various social and financial phenomena of the times, with themes ranging from triad violence to corruption within the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Greed of Man stars an award-winning cast that includes veteran actors Adam Cheng Siu-chow and Damian Lau Chung-yan, as well as the award-winning Sean Lau Ching-wan. Photo: IMDb 3 The Greed of Man《大時代》(1992) It’s interesting seeing these veteran actors back at the beginning of their careers so fresh and baby-faced, so fans of the cast should definitely check this out. This series was popular enough to immediately be followed by two sequels, Police Cadet ‘85 and Police Cadet ‘88, showing the cadets’ eventual progression in the police ranks, both also starring Tony Leung. As Cheung progresses in his career, he begins to neglect his girlfriend Tse Wing-chi (played by Maggie Cheung), who begins to find comfort in his former cadet schoolmate. There, he meets four friends, who go through their training, struggles, conflicts, and intrigues together. Tony Leung plays the character of Cheung Wai-kit, a high-school graduate who joins the Police Cadet Academy, which is based on the real-life Royal Hong Kong Police Cadet School.

The fantastic Tony Leung Chiu-wai and beautiful Maggie Cheung eventually went on to have award-winning careers, and Carina Lau and Sean Lau are both huge stars in their own right. Looking back, this was definitely a nostalgic series with an all-star cast.